Social Media Sizes
Shared Image
- Shared Image: 1200x630 pixels
- The recommended upload social media image size on Facebook is 1200x630 pixels
- Appears in the news feed at a maximum width of 470 pixels, will scale to a maximum aspect ratio of 1:1
- Shows on a Facebook page at a maximum width of 504 pixels, will scale to a maximum aspect ratio of 1:1
Shared Link Image
- Shared Link: 1200x628 pixels
- Recommended upload image size is 1200x628 pixels
- Square Photo: minimum social media dimension of 154x154 pixels in feed
- Square Photo: minimum social media dimension of 116x116 pixels on page
- Rectangular Photo: minimum social media dimension of 470x246 pixels in feed
- Rectangular Photo: minimum of 484x252 pixels on page
“Highlights” Image
- Highlight Image: 1200x717 pixels
- Appears on your page at 843x504 pixels
Event Image
- Event Image: 1920x1080 pixels
- Facebook will scale down to the minimum social media dimensions of 470×174 pixels
- The event image will appear in-feed at 470×174 pixels
Stories Image
- Stories Image: 1,080x1,920 pixels
Square Image
- 1,080x1,080 pixels
Shared Image or Link Image
- Shared Image or Link: 1,200x627 pixels
- Recommended size for images or links: 1,200x627 pixels
- Will appear at 552x289 pixels
- Photo types are limited to PNG, JPG or GIF
Square Image
- 1,080x1,080 pixels
In-Stream Photo
- In-Stream Photo: 1,200x675 pixels
- The recommended aspect ratio is 16:9
- You can edit images if tweeting from the X iOS or Android app
- The maximum social media dimensions for this image to appear expanded is 1,024x512 pixels
- The image appears in-stream collapsed at 506x253 pixels on desktop
- The maximum file size is 5MB for photos, 5MB for animated GIFs on mobile and 15MB on web
Square Image
- 1,080x1,080 pixels
- Photo Size: 1,080x1,080 pixels
- Instagram scales photos down to 612x612 pixels
- These images will then appear in feed at 510x510 pixels
- The photo size is usually displayed as either a square or rectangle with an aspect ratio between 1.91:1 and 4:5 ratio
- For portrait (4:5) photos, the recommended dimensions are 1,080x1,350 pixels
Social Media Strategy
Hashtags are social media keywords that begin with the # sign (also called the number sign, pound sign or octothorpe). Using a hashtag and keyword helps the social media channel categorize the content, which in turn, makes the content easily searchable. Motlow uses a combination of trending, location, and branded hashtags. This strengthens the power of our content in reaching its target audience. Hashtags build brand presence, increase engagement, and build a community. Collaborate with us in identifying the hashtags needed for your message.